Wide Open Spaces Desert Festival, Ross River, Alice Springs, Northern Territory April 30-May 2 Long weekend. There will be a sketchcrawl around the festival. We'll provide some paper & pencils/pens, watercolour paints, brushes etc, but strongly recommend that you BYO.
We'll meet at the art workshop at say around 10am and 2pm Saturday and Sunday. See Amanda, Karyn or Fiona. You may choose to chill out and do some basket weaving or checkout some of the other art workshops whilst you're in the space.
The idea is that there will be many wonderful photos of the event, but we, as sketchcrawlers will document the festival in drawings. So we'll traipse around drawing pictures of everything that we see, a bit like old school photo-journalism, except before cameras. Cool?
You won't need to register for this, just show up at the workshop area at 10am or 2pm with your sketching kit. Enjoy!