Saturday, May 15, 2010

28th International Sketchcrawl

We had a nice turnout of genuine Alice artsy types today, possibly the best SC ever! It's going to be hard to top it next time. Courtenay played some wonderful, moving music in an acoustically amazing airplane hanger, whilst the rest of us chilled out and made some lovely sketches. A short trip out to the cemetary next door turned up a sketch of Albert Namitjira's grave - apparently all the great pioneers of this town are buried together there, including the powerfully eccentric Miss Olive Pink! The taxidermists' room will have to wait another day...

The next Alice Springs sketchcrawl (28th worldwide sketch-a-thon) will be held at Vietnamese Restaurant, Heffernan Road (off Colonel Rose Drive, on the way out to the airport) at noon Saturday 31st July.


Bloomin deserts cafe

Bloomin deserts cafe
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic

Melo mel - done by KZ

Melo mel
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic

Mel by Bri

Mel by Bri
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic

Courtenay by Bri

Courtenay by Bri
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic

Kaz by Bri

Kaz by Bri
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic

Cam by Bri

Cam by Bri
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic

Hangar by Dan

Hangar by Dan
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic

View from Cam's coffeeshop

Cam's coffee (empty)

Cam's coffee (empty)
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic

Lucy's bike handle by Kaz

Hangar - NT Medical Service Plane + Connelan Airways "Air Camel"

Albert Namitjira's grave

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Main stage

Main stage
Originally uploaded by karynzlatkovic
Here in the central australian desert we had an amazing festival over the labour day weekend, and we went out with our little sketchpads & colours to capture some of the magic: see flickr box top right of screen...

The next sketchcrawl will be at the Central Australian Aviation Museum, Memorial Drive, Alice Springs, at 11am on Saturday 15th May. Come along!

made with mac 